
Saturday, 28 February 2015

Do Not Quit, Live Your Life

After a lot of bad experiences and challenges that life throws at us, we quit. We forget who we really are and become the outcome or reactionary person, a result of others' behaviors, hurts, difficulties of life and many such factors. We forget our main aim, we lose our goals, in short we lose the focus of our lives.

Living with our transformed versions suffocates us every morning, because deep down we know this isn't the person who's living our life. There are those parts too where we are the ones behind transforming someone into what they are not. What matters is that we each one of us know exactly what we are doing and our egos, or may be the lack of understanding our inner self, doesn't let us accept the reality. But this lack of understanding or whatever we name it, won't matter once the person is totally transformed, and transformation come from the heart!

If we are over dosed with all the melodrama of life, we start being dis-hearten and at one stage we stop caring becoming into whatever others' want us to be. Is this what we really want in our lives? To live a life that will constantly haunt us? A life that we know is not ours?

While sitting all alone, when shed light upon our lives, many of us aren't happy with it. We are not satisfied with what our lives are turned into. We start losing hope. Because our hearts aren't satisfied. We know we aren't right. We know we deserve more. We know we need to do something to change this all. Each day that we spend seems like being wasted.

So let's think over this all again.
Why can't we make changes in our life to make it better? To live a life that is okay with us? Why don't we listen to what our hearts say? let reconsider all the factors that have put us into this life.
We must start with realizing our worth. We should know what we deserve and then never again settle with things that go against what we deserve.

Secondly, let's give ourselves a motive, a goal to fulfill. Because I believe an idle mind is the devil's workshop. Let the devil not ruin our lives, instead keep our brains busy with ideas and dreams to follow. We must shape up our lives in such a manner that each day is spend in such a way that it brings us closer to our dreams and motive. We MUST overcome all the obstacles in life for achieving our goals. So, from now on-wards lets see all the negativity around us as these obstacles, consider the bad behaviors and injustice from the people around us as small challenges instead of seeing them as those difficulties that changed our very being. Because it's all about how we see things. If we'll consider our problems as small obstacles, they'll become merely small obstacles only. Let's promise to ourselves that we won't let these small obstacles take over all our energy that we can use to achieve our goals.

But while exploring ourselves we must remember that we are here to serve the humanity along with living our lives. So lets keep in mind not to hurt anyone on the way. let's vow to be a source of happiness for ourselves and for others too. Because only a person who is content with himself can make others content with him. Focus on not giving up and keep moving towards your destination, because you will defeat all the difficulties and the people hurting you when you achieve what you want in your life.

Don't be afraid to fail in your journey. You'll fall for sure, in fact you'll fall many times on this path, just don't hesitate to stand up and move on again, because moving and trying is the only key that made the turtle win the race!

For now I'll leave you to think what you can do to change your life, meanwhile live with these beautiful word of Mother Teresa:

Tuesday, 17 February 2015

Letting Go When All Is Sorted Out And All The Truth Is Known!

For many letting go is the only option. To resolve an issue at any point of our lives when we know there aren't many options, we make ourselves believe that its now the time to move on without going any further into the details of the issue. Whether it be a loved one cheating on you, or it be a failure in your plans, someone's death or may be someone's absence from our lives. Losing confidence that we can't make things better with all the facts and truths in our haands we end up accepting the scenario as it is. Because we know they somewhere in the mind our loved ones have already given a reason to our sufferings.

Like when my mother passed away I questioned myself why did it happen to me? Why couldn't she recover from her illness like others usually do? But in the end and even now what I do to make myself better is that I raise an argument with in that she's better off dead. She might have had a bad life ahead, she would have been bed-ridden or worse of she was alive. Yet I am not satisfied because I know things could also be different than this.

There are those too who cheat on their spouse, they might be sorry later on but they know they have damaged the other person a bit too deeply. At many points later in their lives though the guilt would constantly nag them, they'll fail to accept it. On the other hand the victim of the cheating/hurting episode might have accepted the situation and moved on with life yet when alone something, most probably the gut would shout thousands of doubts and reasoning with in the head. No doubt on many such days they still prefer to let it go, on the other hand all this will keep on disturbing them throughout the life.

My point here is that what makes us go through this jeopardy of letting go? Why is it that we stop going deeper into the base of an issue to resolve it and try ending it when still on the surface?  I feel its like a person suffers from brain tumor and the doctor keeps him on paracetamol to diminish the pain! Why do we think that our problems will be sorted out by simply letting go without knowing the basis of these problems.

Death of people we are closer to also leave us abandoned and deeply confused. But death makes things complicated as we can't still talk to the person who left us. On the other hand death teaches us a deeper lesson than any of the other relationship hurts. We should learn out of our loved one's death that we must make other relationships in our lives stronger and deeper. we must try not to come to a point where letting go is the only remaining option.

We need to go deeper, talk about the details, know why it happened, accept if we are the culprits and then only we must agree that this had to happen according to our destiny.  But blaming destiny with out knowing the reasons to the bad things happening to us will only make us more uneasy and depressed.

So now the next time your significant other hurts you or cheats on you and you both aren't ready to leave each other, just don't let it go. Sit and talk to each other openly and in detail. Realize why you were hurt and then accept each other's weakness that hurt both the parties, then only let it go. Have peace at your heart and the brain too! Just try to add in all the truth in your relationships and diminish all the lies because it's something that'll surely help you live a peaceful life; truth may hurt for a while but lies hurt forever!

Remember there are rights and wrongs in every relationship, people come in your life, people leave you for good and for bad, and some people just leave the world leaving you all alone. The wrongs and rights that we share with these people are what defines our relationship with them. If the wrongs weren't meant to hurt you intentionally, let them them go and if the rights were hurting you in the long run, try to work things out. Because we live our lives once, and we should not only make it perfect for us, we must also try our best to make it memorable for others, as in the end only memories stay behind!

Wednesday, 11 February 2015

Last Minute Valentine's Day Gift Ideas For Him and Her!

So it's 12th February and you still haven't even decided what to give your lover on this Valentine's Day! Don't start over-thinking and end up buying something that won't have the real worth, relax and try recalling all the conversations that you and your partner had in a few days.

Did she complain that her handbag was sort of worn-out, or did you hear him telling you about this new gadget online? Maybe she told you about the dress she thought would make her spend more than her decided budget or maybe he was the one who last told you about what amazing video game just smashed the market... Ahhh... think guys... because somewhere in these simple, innocent suggestions, complains, objections and wishes, lies the perfect thing that your significant other is expecting on this Valentine's!

Well these ones were the hints that your partner has already given, consider buying those things to make your lover a bit more happy than they would have been with any other gift. 
Okay, so for those who can't really recall all this, or may be they weren't fortunate enough to get the hints, here are some things that you might want to give your lover on Valentine's Day.


Perfumes, a perfect gift for anyone. It's something that will always win hearts, even if repeated! plus it's one of those necessities you cant live without. Get a nice new scent for your girl or may be the one she loves, wrap it in a red-pink gift paper and present it to her on 14th Feb!

Flowers are a must, especially when it comes to girls. No matter how much you spend on that amazing gift, she'll always feel unloved if there aren't any flowers! Give her a big bouquet of red roses which will be a perfect gift to show how much you love her!

Ring. Yes, especially for those who might be considering to propose their ladies. Make this Valentine's special and memorable for your lover by presenting a ring and asking her to marry you!
Take her for a romantic dinner and to add more dramatic affects, go for a nice walk after dinner and get ice-cream from her favorite ice-cream parlor!


Girls, don't just give your guys simple gifts, show your creativity and make them feel special.
giving him a perfume is a good choice, but adding a hand-made love card with it will make him love it more. 

Surprise him with his favorite food, keeping the gift ready for dessert time! 
Okay, get him the gadget he's been after since months! Nothing can make him more happy! 
Or may be grab a lot of junk food, all his favorites, get his favorite movie and have fun!

For the girls who don't really have much time, or creativity, get your guy a nice book, a cool shirt, a new sports kit, movie tickets, gym membership, a tie, perfumes, chocolates, may be flowers, or simply get yourself a new look, like the one you're sure he'll like, Honestly, guys are really too cute, they'll love anything you'll give them with love! 

I hope now you know what gifts to buy for your lover on this Valentine's Day. Stop looking at the screen, stand up and go get the presents, You don't have much time!

Best of Luck!


As my daughter is nearing her 2nd year, the amount of energy in her has almost double, my hyper baby is turning into a hyper-active toddler! I love reading blogs, and thanks to this hobby, I read a lot about how to tackle with toddlers. The best way to control their excessive energy from turning into hyper-activity, is to keep them busy in some better activities.

I'm pretty sure their would be many others like me who worry a lot about how to help their toddlers to convert this energy into something productive. So for all the concerned mothers out there, I've gathered some activities for their adorable toddlers.

P.S. Mothers please be patient with your babies, you'll get time to relax and sit back when, with just a glimpse, your toddler won't be so small anymore!

Let's start with the routine. Does our toddler have a proper routine for him to realize the importance of it? Have we made him accustomed to the basics of rules and regulation? Are the toddlers keeping a nice eating schedule? as, most of are thinking at the moment, our toddlers haven't yet established the senses that will help to reinforce the above mentioned things.

The key to our toddlers learning these norms and rules is that we practice them, because toddlers are merely imitators, they copy almost everything they see us doing. So once our babies get used to seeing particular rules and regulations around them they won't find it to hard to adopt them.
Once we realize the importance of routine in our lives, am sure we will sort out the mystery of controlling the uncontrollable toddlers.

After a good research I realized that card-boards are one of the must have things in a home with toddlers. Cardboard forts and cardboard tubes are famous among toddlers. These simple cardboard creations keep babies busy for a longer time. Just take an old cardboard box and turn it into a fort, by simply cutting one of the side into a window while the other into a door. For more dramatic affects paint the exterior with simple poster colors. Let your toddler conquer the world!

Cardboard tubes can be made from cardboard obtained from tissue rolls, simple join five or six cardboard rolls and stick them on the wall. Provide some colorful small-sized pom poms to your baby  and let him put it in one of the opening of the tubes and he'll enjoy seeing it coming out of the other side. See how long he keeps himself busy.

Flash cards are a simple yet very informative activity. Kids love flash cards and they get to learn a lot. Flash cards also help toddlers in learning to talk along with increasing their visual senses.

Blocks are great way to keep the toddler busy in a productive activity. Playing with block won't only improve your toddlers' motor skills, it will also develop a deep sense of creativity. Plus you are never too old to play with blocks so am pretty sure you'll also enjoy playing with blocks along with your toddlers.

Playing with clay/mud/sand is definitely a very messy activity, but it involves a lot of learning. Whether it be castle making r planting, being near to nature develops a very calm and patient personality. This simple activity might result in making your hyper child into a patient adult.
Toddlers love outdoors. take your toddler for a stroll in the backyard or the park everyday. Let your toddler run, play, shout, jump, trip over, in short let him free as long as you are sure he wont be hurt. let him drain out all the extra energy gathered in that tiny body.

One thing that I find really soothing with a lot of learning is reading out nice books to your toddlers. Introduce books with basic pictures of things that your child see almost daily. This will help your child to speak and differentiate between things around him along with developing the habit of reading.

Tuesday, 10 February 2015


After trying out different recipes for fondant dough and failing to make something that could be easily be worked on, I finally made my perfect fondant dough.
Though this recipe makes a lot of mess but the results are worth the mess!
I'll share my recipe of fondant some other day because am more excited to share my fondant decoration I did on the cake today.
Fondant cakes are trending a lot these days, and people pay a lot of money buying customized cakes for birthdays, anniversaries, graduation party, reception, etc. The last time I bought a fondant cake was at my daughter's first birthday which was last august and i paid a lot more than the product was worth. no doubt it was beautiful but then with skills and experience one can make easily. So that day i realized that I'll some how try to learn this skill.
My first task was to make a nice fondant dough which i managed to complete after many attempts, once the dough was made, which was merely a day ago, my next step was to make a nice decorated cake out of it. I am one of those people who are too impatient to bring their plans to reality as soon as possible. After a day's wait, when i could wait any longer, I finally pulled the block of fondant dough from the freezer and kept it aside until thaw. i made a nice marble round cake and let it cool down before starting my fondant preparations.
i planned on making something that will go with the Valentine's theme as it's the nearest occasion, thus i used red and white colors in my fondant. So i divided my fondant dough into two halves and added red food color to one half. after kneading in the color i stamped out hearts and flowers from it using cookie cutter, ( i'm still not equipped with fondant tool ).
after getting these shapes made according to my requirement i kept them in a dish and into the freezer again to settle them down.
then i covered my cake with butter icing and then covered it with the thin layer of fondant. Then I placed the hearts and flowers on top of it and with small silver beads I added details to the decoration.
though I didn't make anything too fancy or too neat, but i was kind of happy with what i made as it was my very first try.
One thing that i didn't like was that after half an hour or so few cracks appeared on my fondant. I have no idea why the cracks appeared so I'd love to know the possible reasons if any of you know...
Here are a few pictures of my first try, hope you all like the fondant cake I made.
sorry for such a low picture quality, took these in a hurry... :)

Monday, 2 February 2015


Over the last few days I made phone calls to my husband plus some text messages just to randomly tell him how much I love him and how important he is. This not only helped us rebound, I also noticed a difference in his mood. He seemed happier, cheerful and content. He also got me flowers one day. 
I realize that this really worked plus I didn't know how important were these small presents to keep the spark alive until he gave me the flowers when I was least expecting. After realizing what affect this small favor had on me I knew it had the power to add charm and spark to the relation.
Presenting gifts and doing favors for others has always created a positive vibe among people. The gifts or favors do not have to be something big or too expensive. Even the smallest of gift a d favors can have biggest of impacts only if they have the purest intentions behind them!
My husband has given me flowers on many occasions, birthdays,anniversaries or even on the birth of my daughter. though I love flowers and they always make me happy, but getting them when I least expected made me happier!

So for a change lets start presenting our loved ones with small favors whether it be a flower, a small gift, a favor, anything that will make our significant one happier and revive the charm in our married life.



Okay, so let's list out all the small favors that can add spark to our marriage:

1. Presenting a flower to your partner for no reason might be a very small gesture but it has huge amount of worth. so next time when you come home, get her a flower. or the next time you set breakfast table, keep flowers for him on the table.

2. Unexpected help in household chores can really do a lot for all the ladies. So dear husbands, washing dishes after the dinner or spreading out the laundry won't harm you; it will only make your wives happier presenting you as a more charismatic husband. Plus doing things together will help you both spend time together.

3. Darling wives, let's do our husbands a favor by presenting a beautiful lady when they get back home. Wait a minute guys! don't get too happy, we will present ourselves as those beautiful ladies!
so ladies, you know when your husbands return home, let's get up and dress up beautifully for our men, like we did on our dates before getting into this auspicious relationship.

4. You need to go get small presents at least once a month. Save money specially for buying these gifts. give your spouse a small pendant or may be as small a gift as a card that'll remind her or him how important they are. buy anything and give it with a simple peck or a tight hug and see how it creates magic between you two.

5. Making bed work wonders. The next time when your spouse goes to the washroom in the morning try to make bed before their return and she the pleasure on their faces. Or maybe before your spouse comes to bedroom to sleep at night, make the bedroom nicely prepared. switch on the night lamp, spread out the quilt ready to use, keep their night dress ready, just do any of these or all of these if you have enough time and energy and the spark radiating from them!