Living with our transformed versions suffocates us every morning, because deep down we know this isn't the person who's living our life. There are those parts too where we are the ones behind transforming someone into what they are not. What matters is that we each one of us know exactly what we are doing and our egos, or may be the lack of understanding our inner self, doesn't let us accept the reality. But this lack of understanding or whatever we name it, won't matter once the person is totally transformed, and transformation come from the heart!
If we are over dosed with all the melodrama of life, we start being dis-hearten and at one stage we stop caring becoming into whatever others' want us to be. Is this what we really want in our lives? To live a life that will constantly haunt us? A life that we know is not ours?
While sitting all alone, when shed light upon our lives, many of us aren't happy with it. We are not satisfied with what our lives are turned into. We start losing hope. Because our hearts aren't satisfied. We know we aren't right. We know we deserve more. We know we need to do something to change this all. Each day that we spend seems like being wasted.
So let's think over this all again.
Why can't we make changes in our life to make it better? To live a life that is okay with us? Why don't we listen to what our hearts say? let reconsider all the factors that have put us into this life.
We must start with realizing our worth. We should know what we deserve and then never again settle with things that go against what we deserve.
Secondly, let's give ourselves a motive, a goal to fulfill. Because I believe an idle mind is the devil's workshop. Let the devil not ruin our lives, instead keep our brains busy with ideas and dreams to follow. We must shape up our lives in such a manner that each day is spend in such a way that it brings us closer to our dreams and motive. We MUST overcome all the obstacles in life for achieving our goals. So, from now on-wards lets see all the negativity around us as these obstacles, consider the bad behaviors and injustice from the people around us as small challenges instead of seeing them as those difficulties that changed our very being. Because it's all about how we see things. If we'll consider our problems as small obstacles, they'll become merely small obstacles only. Let's promise to ourselves that we won't let these small obstacles take over all our energy that we can use to achieve our goals.
But while exploring ourselves we must remember that we are here to serve the humanity along with living our lives. So lets keep in mind not to hurt anyone on the way. let's vow to be a source of happiness for ourselves and for others too. Because only a person who is content with himself can make others content with him. Focus on not giving up and keep moving towards your destination, because you will defeat all the difficulties and the people hurting you when you achieve what you want in your life.
Don't be afraid to fail in your journey. You'll fall for sure, in fact you'll fall many times on this path, just don't hesitate to stand up and move on again, because moving and trying is the only key that made the turtle win the race!
For now I'll leave you to think what you can do to change your life, meanwhile live with these beautiful word of Mother Teresa: